Demetra Alfa d.o.o. based in Uljanik, near city of Garešnica (Croatia), was founded in 2010 and in 2013 begins with agricultural activities, when first haskap plants and American oaks were planted on our plantation. In years 2014 and 2015 it was expanded and increased to 18.500 plants in total on 6,5 hectares, and since then it has been run under high ecological standards since our motto is “to live and work according with nature”.
Haskap, also known as honeyberry, blue-berried honeysuckle or sweet-berry honeysuckle, is a new fruit in our climate zone, but in the whole Europe as well. Its origins can be traced to Russian peninsula Kamchatka and north Japanese islands, where it has been appreciated for its health benefits, thus called “the elixir of life”.
It the last twenty years the Canadian and Russian institutes have cultivated new sorts, which taste better and are bigger in size than earlier sorts.
It starts to blossom at the beginning of March giving its fruits at the end of May.
The taste, color and texture of haskap are unique. With its elongated shape berries are of 1,5 to 2,5 centimeters in length and 0,5 to 1 centimeter in diameter. Its sweet and sour taste could be sensed as a mixture of blueberry, raspberry and black currant, leaving a refreshing aftertaste. On the surface it is blue-purple in color, while inside it is intensely purple-red.
Haskap is rich in vitamin C, anthocyans, proanthocyans and other flavonoids. Its effects are anti-allergic.
Our purpose is to cultivate high quality haskap berries which will enrich fruit offer in Croatia and internationally.
First yield that we expect in 2017 will be ecologically certified.